What Do Farmers Clothes Have to Do with Falles?


Think of the last time you saw farmers working in their fields. You might not think much of the way they dress, right? Practical, lightweight and not at all something you would wear to a festival or celebration! 

But these very clothes are the inspiration behind the stunning dresses and suits that the falleres wear. Of course, a lot has changed over the years, and what were once peasant dresses and garden work-clothes are now gorgeous (and expensive) outfits that are the pride of every Valencian. 

These dresses and suits are most often associated with falles, as that is our biggest festival, but can be worn at other special occasions as well. And like every festival in Spain, there is meaning and history behind every piece. 

The Fallera Dress

These very lavish dresses are often made of very rich and expensive fabrics, and even the most inexpensive ones cost around €1500. This doesn`t count the cost of jewelry, shoes, accessories, and the HAIR, which I`ll tell you about below, because it deserves its own section. 

Every neighborhood and association has a falla that they work on throughout the year, hosting events to help pay for them. And every falla has a Fallera Mayor, a young lady who acts as their representative to various events and functions. 

If you can imagine the average of 350 fallas and all of their representatives, as well as an honor court who goes with them, as well as a version of the fallera honor for younger girls, you can see exactly why this is such an important moment for these young ladies and their families. 

The closest thing to equate it to is something like a beauty pageant in the U.S., or for teenage girls, the high school prom. There are the costs of photographers, flowers, everything...but for the representatives of the casals fallers, the organisations and their participants, there is no higher honor.

The Hair!

A lot of falleras wear the same traditional hairstyle:

The hairpieces (called moños) at the sides (and sometimes there is one at the back) are made of actual hair, which matches the falleras' natural hair color. But it is not her hair that is ornamented this way. As you can see, the ornament covers the ears, which might also be a blessing when the mascletà is at full power!  

Falleras are dressed much like a bride on her wedding day -- piece by piece! When all is done, it`s a treasure for the eyes to watch them. But if so much expense goes toward making the ladies look so beautiful, what do the men wear?

El Traje Fallero

Just like the women`s dresses were inspired by those from the farms and orchards, so too are the men`s clothing. It`s very common to see a suit called a Saragüell, which has very old origins, dating back to the 10 century:

As you`ll see, they are a lot more comfortable than the women`s dresses (and probably less expensive too!) And if you think that once you invest in these clothes, that they will last forever, I have unfortunate news for your wallet! Just like with other fashions, there are styles that come and go, and of course, children grow!

Why Do All of This for Statues That Are Going to Be Burned?

Why invest so much money and time and effort for things that will ultimately fall to ash? Well, for many of the participants of Falles, there is a long history with the casals fallers, sometimes going on for generations. So it is a point of pride for families to be involved - then their children, and their grandchildren. 

It is a proud moment for all of the associations, neighborhoods and the people involved throughout the year seeing their falla come together finally. All of their work, dedication, pride and support of each other is what makes the event memorable! 

Hecho por Chispi
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