So You´re Valencian? Say Your Thing!


If it´s one thing you can be sure of, it´s that Valencians love their paella. And we´ll tell you that everything that isn´t from here is NOT paella. 

Fun fact. The dish itself is named after the huge pan that it´s cooked in. And all pans are paellas. Large pan? Paella. Small pan? Paella. Paella pan? Paella. 

Now let me tell you, paella is a matter of regional pride. Anything else is 'arroz con cosas' or rice with things in it. If you think people can´t screw up a traditional paella, let me tell you...

I´ve seen it made with eggs and peas, I´m not even kidding. 

It´s kind of like a Texan ordering barbecue anywhere that isn´t Texas... ¨barbecue?¿ That´s not barbecue!¨ Imagine that kind of disgust and disbelief, but magnified! 

So, this ¨eso no es paella¨ meme is fairly accurate. 

Hecho por Chispi
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