An Icelandic Hymn in a German Train Station
Here´s something you don´t hear every day... an Icelandic hymn being sung in a German train station. The name of the song is Heyr himna smiður which translates to ¨Hear, smith of the Heavens¨. The name of the group is Árstíðir, which means ¨Seasons¨.
The lyrics and translation are:
Heyr himnasmiður - Hear, smith of the heavens
hvers skáldið biður. - What the poet asks.
Komi mjúk til mín - May softly come unto me
miskunnin þín. - Your mercy.
Því heiti' eg á þig, - So I call upon you
þú hefur skaptan mig, - For you have created me,
ég er þrællinn þinn, - I am your slave,
þú ert Drottinn minn. - You are my lord.
Guð, heit eg á þig, - God, I call upon you,
að græðir mig. - To heal me.
Minnst mildingur mín, - Remember me, mild one,
mest þurfum þín. - Most, we need you.
Ryð þú röðla gramur, - Drive out, king of suns
ríklyndur og framur, - Generous and great,
hölds hverri sorg - Every human sorrow.
úr hjarta borg. - From the city of the heart.
Gæt, mildingur mín, - Watch over me, mild one,
mest þurfum þín, - Most, we need you.
helst hverja stund - Truly every moment,
á hölda grund. - In the world of men
Set, meyjar mögur, - Send us, son of the Virgen,
málsefni fögur. - Good causes,
Öll er hjálp af þér - All aid is from you,
í hjarta mér. - In my heart.
The acoustics there just make it sound like something one might hear in an ancient cathedral. Are you ready to go to Valhalla?
Text: Kolbeinn Tumason