A traditional Christmas song in the Valencian language


This is a traditional Christmas song in the Valencian language, nadal valencià. The name of the song is Pastorets i Pastoretes, which means Shepherds and Shepherdesses. The verses of the song are really hard to translate because so much of it depends on a knowledge of regional things (and none of the verses have anything to do with each other), but it talks about all of the preparations before and during the Christmas season and all of the good things to come because of it. 

Here are the lyrics! 

Pastorets i pastoretes,
a on aneu tan de matí?
A llavar-nos les lleganyes
en la bassa del jardí,
del jardí.

Pastorets i pastoretes,
feu-me llenya que tinc fret.
No me la feu d'argelagues;
feu-me-la de romeret,
de romeret.

Pastorets i pastoretes,
tant que volíeu saber,
d'una barcella de dacsa,
quants bunyols es poden fer,
es poden fer?

En les festes de Nadal
les dones són matineres.
Unes per a anar a matar el gall
i d'altres a fer-se les trenes,
fer-se les trenes.

Estes festes de Nadal
portarem el tronc al foc
i menjarem coques fines,
mollets amb oli i arrop,
oli i arrop.

Pollets, pollastres, cabrits,
coloms, polits i gallines,
torrons, casques i confits,
pastissets i coques fines,
i coques fines.

Sant Josep se'n va a la plaça
a comprar un renyonet
per a que esmorze Maria
i que faça bona llet,
bona llet.

Hecho por Chispi
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