A Strange Painting in the Museum of Xàtiva
In the region of Xàtiva, Valencian Communitiy, there´s a museum of fine arts which keeps many incredible paintings by artists who are well known throughout Spain and the world, including Goya and Miró.
Today, on the request of my dear friend David, I am going to share with you one of the more unusual places in the Valencian Community - Balneario de Aigües, in Alacant.
You don`t have to be Roman Catholic or even religious to enjoy the festivities of Corpus Christi in Valencia. This festival, which occurs sixty days after Easter, is one of the biggest festivals in the city, and every town and village in Spain celebrates it differently. For example, in some towns, they make carpets of flowers. In other villages,...
Tuna! (No, Not the Fish)
Today, my friends, we are going to talk about the tuna -- and I don`t mean the fish!
Every area has its own regional dance, and although Spain is best known for flamenco, this is a traditional dance (or dansà) known as a Sandinga. This one is from the region of Xixona. Xixona is in the province of Alacant, and Alacant is one of the three regions that make up the Valencian Community.
If you've ever heard of the Holy Week celebrations in Spain, you'll know they are very solemn occasions; a time of melancholy and a sombre atmosphere. Quiet reverence is the mood as parades across the country feature the cofradías -- religious brotherhoods or fraternities, some of which go back to the Middle Ages.
Falles Vocabulary 101
Scent of gunpowder, aroma of Valencia during Falles
Think of the last time you saw farmers working in their fields. You might not think much of the way they dress, right? Practical, lightweight and not at all something you would wear to a festival or celebration!
It`s heeeeeeere! Time for Falles! And I wanted to share a post about the history of one of the most beloved traditions in València. It might seem strange to the outsider, I understand, and I have been asked;